Ciao, bella gente! I'm supposed to be getting ready to go play a round of golf right now, but I have to write this down really quickly because it's weighing on my heart and mind... As always, there are so many things going on in the world today, so many headlines, so much to process. I'm not going to go into everything that I've read in the past 24 hours because I don't have the time, and you all probably won't have the patience.
That being said, I look at the world I live in today and find it, in some ways, monumentally better than it was when I was a child, and in other ways, tragically worse. Nothing can be said that truly describes how sad I feel when I see acts of true evil and hatred making the headlines. No words can express how happy it made me to see that the belief that love is love no matter what now prevails as law.
While I am not a member of the LBGT community, my life has been, and continues to be, directly affected, influenced, and made better by people that I love who are a part of this community. That brings me to my first thought...why do they have to be a "separate" community? And really, isn't that part of the problems we have in today's society? Separatism... I understand that we use labels to identify who we are, what we stand for, what we believe in every day of our lives. We do it to ourselves and we do it to those around us. "Weird", "fat", "republican", "Christian", "gay", "Asian"... You get my point... What about human? For really and truly....we are all at the simplest, most fundamental level...human. We all feel emotions (regardless of the nature of those emotions), we all believe in something, we all have goals, hopes, and dreams. My point? What makes one man or woman's emotions, beliefs, goals, hopes, and dreams more important than another's? Nothing.
If we could all look for what ties us together, what makes us similar, instead of looking for differences to label, maybe this world would be a more peaceful, loving place. You don't have to personally believe that what another person believes is correct-you can even disagree with it and be ok as long as when you do so it's done in a respectful manner. We will never, collectively, all agree on everything. Our individuality that makes us so unique and beautiful makes that impossible. But instead of judging or lashing out in anger because of this uniqueness, shouldn't we strive to find common ground? I have yet to encounter another human being that I had absolutely NOTHING in common with... Maybe we have to go pretty generic to find it (I love my family & you love your family=common ground); maybe it turns out to be something inconsequential (like we both love ice cream and dislike the way certain birds screech at an inconveniently early hour on the weekend). It's there, matter who you are, where you come from, how much money you have.
I don't think it matters who you are today, how you were raised, what the voice of your mother is telling you in your head (believe me, I didn't get these ideas from my folks). What matters is what you do from here moving forward. All these horrible things happening in the world today? Violence, murders, hate, racism, injustice & inequality? You can take away every weapon known to man, you can make laws with good or bad intentions/results, you can ban things that are offensive, you can wage war, you can put your head in the sand and ignore it all... Ultimately, though, I believe with every fiber that until humanity starts figuring out how to RESPECT instead of fight, how to LOVE instead of hate, and how to be KIND to one another simply because we are all humans at the end of the day, nothing will truly change.
I hope that everyone reading this understands that this is, for better or worse, just a simple message summing up how I feel. Do what you will with it-I respect that not everyone feels this way... Until next time...
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