
Awww - it's a blog of my very own!

Hello out there in Blogger-land! Welcome to my first attempt at blogging. I know it's been around for eons, and you would think that with my penchant for all things new and shiny, I would have jumped on this a long time ago. The truth is, though, I just realized recently that I *might* have some things of interest to share with other people (maybe not, but hey - it's what I tell myself when I'm having one of those days).

I guess we should start things off with a little bit about me, and a little bit about this blog. I am 37 years old, and currently a full-time college student. My spouse has been in the Air Force for 14 years. We have been together for about 8 of those 14 years (sometimes it feels closer to 40). He has a daughter who stays with us part-time (very awesome girl!), and we have two dogs that I am sure I will blog about from time to time. Laila is a four-year-old Boxer, and Vivaldi (Vivvi) is a one-year-old Schnorkie rescue. Yeah, there's a reason why you don't see a ton of Schnorkies for sale - it's because I don't think that breed was ever supposed to happen! She has a face that only a mother (and father) could love, but she is all heart and personality so, over time, she definitely grows on all of those around her. Oh, and a fish...we have a fish named Bam-Bam of the Oscar variety. We had a Pebbles, too, up until about a month ago when she decided life in the tank was too tough and flipped out of the top, plummeting to a tragic death on the hardwood floor below. Thankfully we noticed she was missing, and Donnie located her behind the tank
before she started to stink.

So that's the very basic information on my life - as we move along I will blog about some of my interests, thoughts, and hobbies, and you will get to know me a little bit better. Why did I start this blog? Well...my head has been full of things that I *want* to say, but I never do and it's starting to interfere with my ability to think clearly about important things like school...and dinner... Maybe if I start a blog it will help me de-clutter my brain. Right now I am a thought-hoarder, and it's starting to get a little crazy up in there.

There you have it - I'm using a blog as a mind-vacuum/dust mop...this should be interesting...

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