I love to cook almost as much as I love to eat! What I do not love is trying to figure out what to make for dinner. In my household, trying to figure out what to make goes something like this...
"What do you want for dinner?"
"I don't know; what do you want?"
"I don't know...that's why I'm asking you!"
"Well, what are you in the mood for?"
"I really don't care...anything is fine..."
I have yet to find the recipe for "Anything" :-P (and I have a lot of recipes!) Do you ever feel like you have eaten "that" a lot lately? I know I do... While basking in the light of my refrigerator and freezer like some sun-worshiping beach goddess, I am mentally checking off all of the things I have compared to all of the things I *could* make. More often then not I end up shutting the doors disgusted with the uninspiring list of options.
I know there are tons of food blogs, websites, and on and on out there for people like me, but don't you have to have some sort of idea of what you're looking for in the first place? I usually end up hungry and frustrated when trying to navigate all of the food pages out in www land! So where do you go? Is there some place where you can say "I have <blank> and <blank>...what can I make?" I am sure there is; I just haven't found it.
So, the question remains...what is for dinner?
The light at the end of the tunnel!
I started this blog as a way to get things off of my mind, but unfortunately, I have been so busy with school and life in general that I have had very little time to get anything off my mind! As a result, I am sitting here with an over-full brain and a bad headache.
We are entering the final week of the Fall I school term. I *might* have bitten off more than I could realistically chew this term. My classes have been very time-consuming and taxing. "Well, stupid...you're in college!", you might be saying. Yes, I know - I should expect to be challenged. After all, what good is any education if you don't learn anything, right?
Actually, this whole blog thing stemmed from being in a really difficult (for me) English writing class; I was feeling quite stifled and my fingers were itching to type all sorts of random, sassy things that would have ensured a reward of a big fat 'F' for the term. Writing essays based on essays in our textbook is not very exciting stuff, let me assure you! Honestly, I think the textbook authors went and found the most obscure, boring essays they could - in fact, I think "obscure", "boring", and "difficult to read" were required elements in order to be considered for inclusion into our textbook!
In case you haven't picked up on it yet, I struggled with this class. Ultimately, now that I am nearing completion, though, I have developed a new appreciation for the goals and core learning outcomes of this writing course. This appreciation does not mean that I want to take a bunch of other classes like it, and I am going to study like the dickens so I don't have to worry about repeating EN106, but all in all, it really wasn't as bad as I made it out to be in my mind. Amazing thing, that brain of ours...it can make a pebble feel like a 1/2 ton rock, and make the task of reading a simple essay feel like wading through War and Peace.
Don't even get me started on my Management class (I'll do that all on my own)! I think my favorite saying in reference to this class was, "She (meaning my instructor) hates me!" Does she really hate me? Probably not... She's been teaching for ages, and I am sure that once she finishes grading my final assignment, I will instantly leave her memory. Is she a good instructor? Yes, there is no doubt she knows her stuff. So why do I think she hates me? We had a little run-in during Week 2. Long story short, she approved my research paper topic in an email, and then did not approve it in the classroom. Don't tell anyone, but I got mad enough (and stressed enough) to leak out a few tears over this. This paper, which is worth 20% of our grade, was supposed to be about a business or organization that we had first-hand knowledge of. Because of my limited work experience in larger organizations, I ended up choosing the last company I worked for (which is no longer in business). Let me make this clear...I was a manager there! I could easily apply the principles of management to my experience there! Anyway, I ended up having to write about my husband's last squadron. Guess who has never been in the Air Force - yours truly... I have no first-hand knowledge of the squadron or general Air Force functions/structure. That paper was a NIGHTMARE!!
So now that I have spent multiple paragraphs ranting and whining to you all, let me share with you some of the positive things that have come out of Fall I. First, I started this blog because of one of my classes. Second, I have a much better appreciation for academic writing (but I'm still going to avoid it like the plague). Third, I learned a lot about the Air Force, (probably more than I'll ever need to know), which may come in handy when making small-talk at the next Air Force function that I have to attend. Finally, I learned that homework gets done a lot faster when you don't keep stopping to cuss and whine!
Until next time...
We are entering the final week of the Fall I school term. I *might* have bitten off more than I could realistically chew this term. My classes have been very time-consuming and taxing. "Well, stupid...you're in college!", you might be saying. Yes, I know - I should expect to be challenged. After all, what good is any education if you don't learn anything, right?
Actually, this whole blog thing stemmed from being in a really difficult (for me) English writing class; I was feeling quite stifled and my fingers were itching to type all sorts of random, sassy things that would have ensured a reward of a big fat 'F' for the term. Writing essays based on essays in our textbook is not very exciting stuff, let me assure you! Honestly, I think the textbook authors went and found the most obscure, boring essays they could - in fact, I think "obscure", "boring", and "difficult to read" were required elements in order to be considered for inclusion into our textbook!
In case you haven't picked up on it yet, I struggled with this class. Ultimately, now that I am nearing completion, though, I have developed a new appreciation for the goals and core learning outcomes of this writing course. This appreciation does not mean that I want to take a bunch of other classes like it, and I am going to study like the dickens so I don't have to worry about repeating EN106, but all in all, it really wasn't as bad as I made it out to be in my mind. Amazing thing, that brain of ours...it can make a pebble feel like a 1/2 ton rock, and make the task of reading a simple essay feel like wading through War and Peace.
Don't even get me started on my Management class (I'll do that all on my own)! I think my favorite saying in reference to this class was, "She (meaning my instructor) hates me!" Does she really hate me? Probably not... She's been teaching for ages, and I am sure that once she finishes grading my final assignment, I will instantly leave her memory. Is she a good instructor? Yes, there is no doubt she knows her stuff. So why do I think she hates me? We had a little run-in during Week 2. Long story short, she approved my research paper topic in an email, and then did not approve it in the classroom. Don't tell anyone, but I got mad enough (and stressed enough) to leak out a few tears over this. This paper, which is worth 20% of our grade, was supposed to be about a business or organization that we had first-hand knowledge of. Because of my limited work experience in larger organizations, I ended up choosing the last company I worked for (which is no longer in business). Let me make this clear...I was a manager there! I could easily apply the principles of management to my experience there! Anyway, I ended up having to write about my husband's last squadron. Guess who has never been in the Air Force - yours truly... I have no first-hand knowledge of the squadron or general Air Force functions/structure. That paper was a NIGHTMARE!!
So now that I have spent multiple paragraphs ranting and whining to you all, let me share with you some of the positive things that have come out of Fall I. First, I started this blog because of one of my classes. Second, I have a much better appreciation for academic writing (but I'm still going to avoid it like the plague). Third, I learned a lot about the Air Force, (probably more than I'll ever need to know), which may come in handy when making small-talk at the next Air Force function that I have to attend. Finally, I learned that homework gets done a lot faster when you don't keep stopping to cuss and whine!
Until next time...
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